MINUTES OF MEETING PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District was held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Pine Ridge Plantation Amenity Center, 4200 Pine Ridge Parkway, Middleburg, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Matt Biagetti Chairman Jeff Lewis Vice Chairman Jack Montoya Supervisor Nelson Nazario Supervisor Also, present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Wes Haber by phone District Counsel Maria Cranford Amenity Manager Tom Bartlett-Matthews by phone DDDC Robby Tarter CCSO Jay Soriano GMS FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Four Board members were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments (Regarding Agenda Items Listed Below) Ms. Giles noted copies of the agenda were on the table if anyone wishes to follow along and invited members of the public to speak on agenda items. Hearing none. DocuSign Envelope ID: 447A1110-23D1-4C4C-8706-1D7F05D500A6 March 19, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 2 THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Clay Community Connect Ms. Giles asked the residents to step out while discussing the security system. Clay County Connect allows CCSO to access the Districts cameras in real time. Ms. Giles will look into if a trespass authorization was done with CCSO in the past and an MOU will be completed. On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Nazario, with all in favor, the Fusus Pro w/CCSO – No Cost to the District, was approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Agreement for Engineering Services Ms. Giles stated this is ratification of an agreement with Matthew’s Design Group and is on page 6 of the agenda package. Mr. Bartlett noted he appreciates the opportunity and will answer any questions the Board may have. Alex will be the engineer assigned to the District. On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all in favor, the Agreement for Engineering Services, was ratified. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Discussion and Guidance for Preparation of Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Ms. Giles stated this is the time to speak about anything the Board wants to see for the budget. An approved budget will be brought back to the next meeting. She noted for 2025/2026 the Capital Reserve Study recommends $86,093 to go in the capital reserve to cover future capital reserve projects. Clay County Sherriff’s office for off duty officers went up this year and Poolsure has increases. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Capital Reserve Study Ms. Giles stated she received the Capital Reserve Study in draft form. It cannot be distributed yet due to a couple of changes to administrative mistakes. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposal for Court Lighting DocuSign Envelope ID: 447A1110-23D1-4C4C-8706-1D7F05D500A6 March 19, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 3 Mr. Soriano stated they would talk about the court lights SL1 and smaller lights around the perimeter and new sidewalk SC1 and SC2 which are decorative lights. For the court lights which is something that needs to be done soon, he recommended putting this into their capital for this next year. This would start off around $75,000 to $90,000 set aside for these. He noted if they do 7 lights at $5,000 each, he would be asking for $35,000 for the SC1 and SC2 smaller perimeter lights. A Board member asked if the maintenance on the lights would be included in the study and how much these lights will increase the monthly utility bill. Mr. Soriano noted no that study is based on what is at the courts right now. Ms. Giles noted they can do an update with Charlie for that. Mr. Soriano noted the perimeter lights will be LED so usage is much lower. The tennis court lights will add a little onto the monthly but won’t be a huge increase. Mr. Biagetti stated he is still on board with getting all of the lights done to include that money into the capital plan for next year. A Board member recommended a survey of usage of the courts before pushing forward on this. Mr. Soriano will move forward with getting proposals for court lights from multiple companies to help the Board put that in the budget for next year. Mr. Biagetti suggested NTE $40,000 for the perimeter lights. On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Nazario, with all in favor, NTE $40,000 for Perimeter Lights, was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Haber reminded the Board of 4 hours ethics training to be completed by December 31, 2024. Links were circulated from his office to training programs. Form 1 is filed in July 2024 electronically. The training is reported by checking the box on Form 1 in 2025. DocuSign Envelope ID: 447A1110-23D1-4C4C-8706-1D7F05D500A6 March 19, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 4 B. District Manager – 2024 General Elections Ms. Giles stated the second week of June is the qualifying period. Three seats are up for election, seat #2, seat #4 and seat #5. A banner has been added to the CDD website with more information. C. Engineer Ms. Giles stated she could invite Alex to come on site and take a look at the District. It will be at a cost and the rate sheet is in the ratification. She noted if its okay with Mr. Haber and the Board, as repairs are made to the courts, they will use up the last $114 on a pay requisition then pay the rest of the invoice out of the Capital Reserve funds. Mr. Haber noted no issue with that. D. Amenity & Operations Manager 1. Landscape Quality Inspection Report Ms. Cranford presented the Amenity Manager Report. She also touched on the illegal dumping issue. She snapped a photo of a landscape truck and let the detective know. He noted if they are able to catch who is actually doing it, it would be up to the District if they want to pursue charges. It is a felony for commercial dumping. She got with Matt and emailed to get a follow up on the date for installing the awning covers. The quote came in at $6,759 to redo all three awnings which should be installed by summer. 2. Report Mr. Soriano noted they have been limited on maintenance hours so the fence has been sitting for a while. They will dig some posts and install the fence. There are signs to put up. There is a sign for the pond in back stating no motorized vehicles on CDD property. Ms. Cranford is looking into bike racks. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments/Supervisor’s Requests Resident commented that he moved in yesterday. The Board welcomed him to the community. A Board member commented a father and son have been going in the irrigation fields with 4 wheelers. Mr. Soriano noted he will get an extra sign for that area. DocuSign Envelope ID: 447A1110-23D1-4C4C-8706-1D7F05D500A6 March 19, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 5 TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the January 16, 2024 Meeting Ms. Giles presented the minutes from the January 16, 2024 meeting and asked for a motion to approve the minutes. On MOTION by Mr. Montoya, seconded by Mr. Biagetti, with all in favor, the Minutes of the January 16, 2024 Meeting, were approved. B. Balance Sheet and Income Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending January 31, 2024 C. Assessment Receipts Schedule Ms. Giles presented on page 31 of the agenda, the balance sheet with revenues for the period ending January 31, 2024. She noted there is money in the Capital Reserve so based on conversation tonight on the FY25 budget, they will put a line for Capital Outlay and earmark some funds for those lights. If they over spend on the Capital Reserve portion, they will do a budget amendment. She noted on the receipt schedules, they are 98% collected. D. Approval of Check Register Ms. Giles presented the check register on page 45 of the agenda package totaling $43,243.61. She asked for any comments or questions. If not, looking for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Biagetti, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – 5/21/24 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Pine Ridge Plantation Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is scheduled for May 21, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. where they will approve a budget. DocuSign Envelope ID: 447A1110-23D1-4C4C-8706-1D7F05D500A6 March 19, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 6 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Nazario, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. _____________________________ ____________________________ Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chairman / Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 447A1110-23D1-4C4C-8706-1D7F05D500A6