PINE RIDGE PLANTATION Community Development District July 23, 2024 AGENDA Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District 475 West Town Place Suite 114 St. Augustine, Florida 32092 District Website: July 16, 2024 Board of Supervisors Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Dear Board Members: The meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District will be held Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Pine Ridge Plantation Amenity Center, 4200 Pine Ridge Parkway, Middleburg, Florida 32068. Following is the advance agenda for the meeting: I. Roll Call II. Public Comments (Regarding Agenda Items Listed Below) III. Fiscal Year 2025 Budget A. Overview of Budget B. Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget C. Consideration of Resolution 2024-04, Relating to the Annual Appropriations and Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 D. Consideration of Resolution 2024-05, Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll for Fiscal Year 2025 IV. Consideration of Partial Release of Construction Easement V. Staff Reports A. Attorney B. District Manager – Discussion of Fiscal Year 2025 Meeting Schedule C. Engineer D. Amenity & Operations Manager 1. Landscape Quality Inspection Report 2. Report VI. Public Comments / Supervisor’s Requests VII. Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the May 21, 2024 Meeting B. Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending May 31, 2024 C. Assessment Receipts Schedule D. Approval of Check Register VIII. Next Scheduled Meeting – 09/17/24 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Pine Ridge Plantation Amenity Center IX. Adjournment THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Approved Budget FY 2025 July 23, 2024 1-2 3-6 7-9 10 11 Assessment Schedule Narratives Table of Contents General Fund Debt Service Fund Series 2020 Capital Reserve Fund Description AFBmYu2edn0gd2ee4td 5A/Tc3th1ur/au2ls4 P4r MoNjoeexnctttehds P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ISCMnpaitersecrcriy. aeI lFsn Atoc Eosrswameraesnr/sedFmd aSecunirltipsty l-u ROsenn Rtaolll $ 57 159 3209,,,,057900790067 $ 57 135 7305,,,,241220675548 $2 1292,,,,126701250456 $ 57 255 8328,,,,300350290502 $7 125 5220,,,057,900570066 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,366,273 $ 1,306,072 $ 35,695 $ 1,341,767 $ 791,232 EXPENDITURES: Administrative: ISFLPPETTGAAAAOODDDWnuroIeniifteutrrsenfssCefthipgsnbulgsionentsoebcAaeetieiessrureptnestralsrrt,r ii mmr Ta inhAgecLsne vSaCtaleetmeeoaui lgdeiaigAu c rsn yxML n &tpFve&Mereoueiaiepe eonrn aaRrstd DaeBrlennsbit ieiiFosten eetin aiAbiTnellnsstsgtiiade dvet ieeC&Atnsymcniemhenggh raaSaiegeynnnnurnnocidbgtstele s toPFscrgueraybeitpsiloit cin oOnffsicials Insurance $25 11112334558901,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00011222555607 1356660000000025770600001700000000035600000025 $3 13334594,,,,,,,,00025565 111222800224670 7056667700136797 340455889 --- $1 122377,,,,,,017782 11455568035675 79000035560035635700000033 ---- $15 111334555901,,,,,,,,,,,,000122256677 111445670000245577690001224700000135690500045889 $125 11111334558004 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00011255569018 1356660000001677904600001700000012556066000025 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 120,670 $ 66,728 $ 38,645 $ 105,373 $ 124,517 Operations & Maintenance Grounds Maintenance ILLCERWrlaaoeeraknpncitgdeatteia risrMnrticscgiaao eapinnnne ctRd Mei eenMsapaiaanniicntreestnenanancece $ 1 1225 2442464,,,,,,,045008200500330010006 $ 1 110 126342,,,,,,388598013242014184 - $ 5 13881,,,,,01494 7017812029928 - $ 1 1225 240234,,,,,,000242060063020006 - $$$$$$$ 1 1226 3442461,,,,,,,004008900500340010008 Total Grounds Maintenance $ 228,017 $ 142,238 $ 73,720 $ 215,958 $ 236,229 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Approved Budget General Fund 1 Description AFBmYu2edn0gd2ee4td 5A/Tc3th1ur/au2ls4 P4r MoNjoeexnctttehds P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Approved Budget General Fund Amenity Center SSCPPGRROepreofeeefcorencpniucmcrpeateireirieani riaSatrtlsgt ulytEF ieyF&poven apnIe ecRcnslanyiieslelt ipuPsstlryaaas cMnseecamseinetnetnsance $ 11122 145788 ,,,,,,005567 557000034008000068000 $ 1112 71234,,,,,24589 3347933566778544584689 1 3451,,,,5788 113451$25621 ---- $ 1111245889,,,,,01567 3457003440677006780468 $ 11222 144578 ,,,,,,002267 557000024008000068000 Utilities CERWlaeeabfcutlteesrr/ei P c&She Sorevnwiec/eeIrnternet 12 5505,,,,140701080107 2379,,,,148812456778 1135,,,,456900660008 11 3505,,,,883811126758 12 5515,,,,490000040000 Management Contracts JJFFLPPAaaooiiamnnfeceooliiiegdttlll nooiu CMtMirrayhtaiirya eaaAidn nmllM ssaSStsiegeuacienrnpsamvatalpsaniglecniecneetmest eSnertvices 111226 59145799,,,,,,,,030344660012388804000369 114 22469347,,,,,,,,025660890146815803578167 2 23467892,,,,,,,,113567940113478701233565 11226 58914457,,,,,,,,038034460000123300400026 1112227 50012467,,,,,,,,000134550001367800001238 Total Amenity Center $ 335,384 $ 196,308 $ 103,519 $ 299,827 $ 346,957 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 684,071 $ 405,275 $ 215,884 $ 621,159 $ 707,703 Other Sources/(Uses) Capital Reserve Transfer Out (682,202) (682,202) - (682,202) (83,529) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ (682,202) $ (682,202) $ - $ (682,202) $ (83,529) EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ 218,595 $ (180,188) $ 38,406 $ - 2 Special Assessments-Tax Roll Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 REVENUES Annual Audit The District’s Attorney, will be providing general legal services to the District, i.e.,attendanceandpreparationfor amnede t tihneg s D,risetvriiecwt Moafncoagnetrr.acts,reviewofagreementsandresolutions,andotherresearchassignedas directedby theBoardmoofnStuhpleyrvBiosoarrds eTxhpeenDdisitturircets wduilrlinlegv tyhea FNisocna-l AYdeaVr.aloremassessmentonallsoldandplattedparcelswithintheDistrictinordertopayfortheoperating Interest tMhaei nBtoeanradn ocef SAuspseersvsimsoernst.incomeoftheDistrictwillbeinvestedinaccordancewithFloridaStatutesandtheinvestmentguidelinesapprovedby Expenditures - Administrative Supervisors Fees aCthtaepntde. r T19h0e obfutdhgeetFeldo r aimdaoSutnatt u foters tahlelo fwisscaflo ryemare m isb ebrasseodf tohne aBllo saurpdeorvfiSsuopresr avtitseonrdsintgo 6b meeceotminpgesn asnadte edxt$r2a 0m0eepteinrgsm.eetingin whichthey FICA Taxes SPuaypreorvllistoarx’ess poaynrBolol aerxdpeonfdSituupreersv.isor’scompensation.Thebudgetedamountfor thefiscalyeariscalculatedat7.65%ofthetotalBoardof Misc Income/Facility Rental Fees Includes replacement key deposits and income from residents for rental of facilities for personal use. Engineering TmheeetiDnigsst,r i crte'vsieewn g ionf e einrvwoiicllesp, r aonvdid eotgheenre rsapleceinfigcianlelye r irnegquseesrtveidc easssitgonmtheentDs.istrict,i.e. attendanceandpreparation for monthly board Attorney Website Maintenance PweerbCsihtaeps treerga2r0d1i4n-g2 C2o,mLapwliasnocfeF islosruiedsa. ,TahllisD wisetrbiscittse mwuilsl tbeh amvaeinatwainebedsi btey tGoMpSr,o LvLiCd eandde tuapildeadteindf omromnatthiloyn.ontheCDDaswellaslinkstouseful Telephone aTmheouDnistt froirc tthise friesqcauli ryeedart ois cboansdedu cotna cnoanntrnaucatleadu fdeeitso frfoitms ftihnea npcrieavliroeucso yrdeasrb eynagnagIenmdeepnet.ndentCertifiedPublicAccountingFirm.Thebudgeted Assessment Roll Administration sGeMrvSicLeLsC.provides assessment services for closinglot sales,assessment rollservices withthelocalTaxCollectorandfinancialadvisory Dissemination Agent rTehqeuDirisetmriecnttiss froerq uunir-readtbedy bthoenSde icsusruietsy.andExchangeCommissiontocomplywithRule15(c)(2)-12(b)(5),whichrelatestoadditionalreporting Trustee Fees The District bonds will be held and administered by a Trustee. This represents the trustee annual fee. Management Fees TAMghareneaeDgmeismetnretinc.ttSreercveiciveess,LMLCa.naTghemebenutd,geAtcecdoaumntoinugntafonrdthAedfmisicnailstyreaatrivisebsaesrevdicoensthasecpoanrttraocfteadMfeaensaoguetmlinenedtiAngErxehemieitn"tAw"oitfhthGeoMvaenrangmemenetnatl Arbitrage TGrhaeuD ainsdtr Aicstsioscriaetqeusi irse cdotnotrhaacvteeda ntoA prrboivtridagee aRnnebuaatl ereCpaolcrut.lationontheDistrict’sSeries2020A1andA2CapitalImprovementRevenueBonds. Information Technology TGohveeDrnismtreincttapl Mroacneasgseemseanllt Soefrivtiscefisn, aLnLcCi.alactivities,i.e.accountspayable,financialstatements,etc.onamainframecomputer leasedby Postage and Delivery Actual postage and/or freight used for District mailings including agenda packages, vendor checks and other correspondence. Internet, Phone and Wi-Fi service for Office. 3 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Vendor Monthly Annual Brightview Landscape $13,496 $161,948 Vendor Monthly Annual The Lake FCRioMsnhSt Sintogecn kDcionycgtor $$$18457458 $$$1110$,,,995500030000 Total $1,078 $14,830 Electric Account # Vendor Monthly Annual 78888388882223714447678880078925589 11144Co2234401589nt12247i ----nT1112gy CPPTenniiaynnecmnseey e pBRRs lRii vBddidggldvee g2d ePP I EakLrrnrwakitngry dI aC r1nlr oIcigrcearkti/gioS Cinglonck $$$$$$333347014447 $$$$$$444448000458024888 Total $250 $3,000 Water Account # Vendor Monthly Annual 222222222444444456066788888122444488345999999023466789 114444444Co222233446000225778nt001145688i --------nP 1111112tgiy nFPPPPPTeneniiiiioynnnnne cRgnseeeeeygie BLdRRRRy Bga liiiiDvddddeklvadgggg ePdyeeee RkD PPPPRDwerkkkkerc Rywwwwc lRae lRaiyyyyecmiecl mIIRRaclerr iIleeemdrrarccdiiirggllmeaaiaadgiittemmaiidooteeinnoddn $$$$$$$$$$1111224523035556880500000048 $$$$$$$$11122356$$,,,,,,,,013688883300000166060000002800 Total $2,167 $26,000 Repair & Maintenance Irrigation Repairs Contingencies cTihrceuDlaitsitornic.t is requiredto advertisevarious notices for monthly Boardmeetings andother publichearingsinanewspaperofgeneral Printing and Binding Copies used in the preparation of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. Legal Advertising Supplies used in the preparation and binding of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. The District is required to pay an annual fee to the Floirda Department of Commerce for $175. Insurance General Liability cTohveeDraisgter ticot g'sovGeernnemraelnLtaial baigleitnyci&esP. uTbhleic aOmfofiucinatl sisL biaabseildit oynI ensstuimraantceed pporleimcyiuimsw. ithaqualifiedentitythatspecializesinprovidinginsurance Due, Licenses & Subscriptions Expenditures - Administrative (continued) Other Current Charges This includes monthly bank charges, amortization schedules and any other miscellaneous expenses that incur during the year. Office Supplies bRaecgkufllaorwr teepsatiirnga.ndmaintenanceofcommonareawhichincludespinestraw/mulching,treecutting,pressurewashingofcommonareaand This item includes a contingency for any unanticipated and unscheduled cost to the District. Landscape Maintenance Lake Maintenance Miscellaneous irrigation repairs and maintenance cost for the District. Expenditures – Grounds Maintenance TDhisetrDicits.tricthascontractedwithBrightviewLandscapeServicesInctoprovidelandscapingservicestoallthecommonareaswithinthe aTnhde pDriesvtreincttiohna sofc aoqnutraaticct ewdewedisth anTdh ealLgaaek eanDdo RctMorSs fotro tprearsfho rpmickmuopn.thlyservicetoincludeinspectionsandtreatsasnecessaryforthecontrol The District currently has the following accounts with Clay Electric. The District currently has the following accounts with CCUA. Budget includes growth for additional use and new accounts. 4 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Vendor Monthly Annual Clay County Sheriffs SCPKKayoeefaaenett-ttiiBoinnnuagggrcssekh nCCecoorymm Ammnnuuunnaiilcc Maa Ottoiifoofninncitsseo r--rs SCinelocguurdi Styto/rMaogenitoring $$$9886480 $$$$$111121$,,,,,001959057920007900 Total $1,132 $18,646 Account # Vendor Monthly Annual 257235 4Co20nt0i nPgineen cRyidge Pkwy Amenity $$44019 $4$,940982 Total $450 $5,400 Account # Vendor Monthly Annual 7808611 4Co20nt0i nPgineen cRyidge Pkwy Amenity $1$,640803 $$159,,820000 Total $2,083 $25,000 Refuse Service Security/Monitoring Office Supplies Permit Fees Contingency Property Insurance General Facility Maintenance Repairs and Replacements Recreation Passes Cable/Phone/Internet Special Events Water Electric Expenditures – Amenity Center Represents the estimated cost for access cards to the District’s Amenity Center. This item includes the cost of office supplies needed for the operation of the amenity center. Represents Permit Fees paid to the Department of Health for the swimming pool. cTohsistsi toefm puinbclilsuhdiensg anceownstlientgteenr cayndfo ortahneyr umnaainlitnigcsip/aetmedaialsn adsusnoscciahteeddu wleidthc tohset atomtehneitDyi csetrnitcetr,.postageformailingofnewslettertoresidents,and This item represents the estimated cost for the District to host any special events for the community throughout the Fiscal Year. District currently has one account with CCUA for water at the Amenity Center. Budget includes growth for additional use and new accounts. Expenditures – Utility This item includes the cost of garbage disposal for the District contracted with Waste Management. aTwnhidteh PDSyiaseft-erBTiacortukecemhr fpFoliorreys esacnoudfrf S-idtayfuetmtyyo ofnofifrti coaernrinnsugtahall rfaiorrumeg m,hKotenhaiettionCrglaisnyCgC.o omumntuynSichaetrioifnf’ssfOofrfiacnentuoaplmroovniditeorsiencgurfoitrysseecruvriictyescafomretrhaesDanisdtrainctn.uaAllscoloucodnsttroarcatgeed, aDcisctoruicnttsc.urrentlyhasoneaccountwithClayElectricforelectricattheAmenityCenter.Budgetincludesgrowthforadditionaluseandnew Cost of cable, telephone and internet service provided by Comcast for the Amenity Center. cTohveeDraisgter tioct g'sovPerronpmeerntytaIl nasguenracniecse. Tpohliisc iys awni lelsbtiemwatietdh pPrreemfeirurmed. GovernmentalInsuranceTrust. PGITspecializesinprovidinginsurance Cost of routine repairs and maintenance of the District’s Amenity Center. Represents any funds that will be used to make repairs and replacements to facility or equipment in the District Amenity Center 5 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 VReMnSdor M$o5n,t9h5ly6 $A7n1n,4u7a2l VReMnSdor M$o1n,t1h6ly7 $A1n4n,0u0a0l Vendor Monthly Annual RMS $2,264 $27,168 Vendor Monthly Annual RMS $1,375 $16,500 Vendor Monthly Annual CPooonltSinugreency $1$,529639 $$139,,212130 Total $1,861 $22,333 Vendor Monthly Annual RMS $840 $10,080 Janitorial Service Janitorial Supplies Field Management Services Lifeguards Pool Maintenance Pool Chemicals Amenity Management Facility Assistant Services provided by Riverside Management Services, Inc. to provide management services of amenity center. Services provided by Riverside Management Services, Inc. to provide part time staffing of amenity center. aTmheouDnistt wriicltl bhea tsreasntsafberlirsehde dtoa CCaappitiatal lRReseesrevrve eFutondfu. ndrenewalandreplacementoftheDistrict’scapitalrelatedfacilitiesandequipment.This Expenditures – Management Contracts Expenditures – Reserves Poolsure will provide the necessary chemicals for the Amenity Center pool. The District has contracted with Riverside Management Services to provide janitorial services for the Amenity Center. All supplies needed for janitorial services. The District has contracted with Riverside Management Services, Inc. for the supervision and on-site management of Pine Ridge Plantation. The District has contracted with Riverside Management Services, Inc. to provide lifeguard services during pool operation season. fTohre twDios tcrliecatnhinagssc, opnlutsr atchtee cdowsti tohf cRhievmerisciadlse. M Daunraingge msuemntmSeerr vmicoenst,hIsn, cc.letoanpinrogsv imdeayp boeo linccleraenaisnegd atnod thmraeien ttiemneasn cae wseeerkv.ices.Monthlyserviceis Capital Reserve 6 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td 5A/Tc3th1ur/au2ls4 P4r MoNjoeexnctttehds P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato Esrswaerasnrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 19 128416,,,005247302 $ 19 228815,,,826117856 $ 28,,070322 - $ 19 328618,,,823247058 $ 29 222016,,00,5037012 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,121,635 $ 1,135,708 $ 10,734 $ 1,146,443 $ 1,167,603 EXPENDITURES: Series 2020A1 IIPPnnrrttieneeprrcaeeiypssmatt l15 e5/1n/1/t1 15/1 $5 990990,,,550220440 - $5 990990,,,550220440 $ --- $5 990990,,,550220440 $5 991220,,,000220440 Series 2020A2 IIPPnnrrttieneeprrcaeeiypssmatt l15 e5/1n/1/t1 15/1 1 444330,,,110880110 - 1 444330,,,110880110 --- 1 444330,,,110880110 1 444115,,,220550660 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 925,411 $ 925,411 $ - $ 925,411 $ 921,561 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 925,411 $ 925,411 $ - $ 925,411 $ 921,561 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 196,224 $ 210,297 $ 10,734 $ 221,031 $ 246,042 (1)Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement A-2 Interest Due 11/1/25 $ $$1 382696,,,291268246...358088 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Approved Budget Debt Service Series 2020A1 & A2 Special Assessment Bonds A-1 Interest Due 11/1/25 7 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest Annual Debt Service 0000000000000111111111111111111111111115555555555555//////////////////////////0000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111//////////////////////////2222222222233333333333333300112233444555566667778899 111122333344445566667777 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 001122333355556666889999661111111122224466668899998800000000000000005555555500,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 555555556666611223445668890000000555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000 112233445555667777888899 99001111223355556666778899,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,550044444477777788999999992200222222222222667799999900000011334444444444449999 6666666666666 9888888889999920111288888999,,,,,,,,,,,,,,012233556788992023444458899940000336899999 Total $ 7,620,000 $ 1,441,578 $ 9,061,578 Community Development District Series 2020 A-1 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond Combined Pine Ridge Plantation 8 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest Annual Debt Service 0000000000000111111111111111111111111115555555555555//////////////////////////0000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111//////////////////////////2222222222233333333333333300112233444555566667778899 111111111111222222 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000011223333557788224466881122333344668899992233444400000000005555555500000055,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000..........................0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 111111111222200124556677890000005555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000.............00000000000000000000000000 1111112222223333333344 44881111222244556666889999,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111100002222223355777777882255001133555566666688889955660000000011222222667777..........................0022000000002222555555555500550000000000000000005555 2222222222222 4222222222222213445555566777,,,,,,,,,,,,,,200001124578895112234555568960000123356778..............2000002255577750000000055555 Total $ 2,335,000 $ 640,363 $ 2,975,363 Series 2020 A-2 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond Combined Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District 9 Description AFBmYu2edn0gd2ee4td 5A/Tc3th1ur/au2ls4 P4r MoNjoeexnctttehds P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ICnatrerrye Fsto Irnwcaormde Balance $ 3,200 - $ 20,810 - $ 12,000 - $ 32,810 - 6$5 37,,375436 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,200 $ 20,810 $ 12,000 $ 32,810 $ 661,099 EXPENDITURES: Capital Outlay CROatehppeiatriar Cl aOunrudrt elManyat*intenance 54$,1 14080 - $3 21,,925975 - 22$,8 15630 - $5 34,,111478 - 2502$,,03 5080000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 54,248 $ 34,252 $ 23,013 $ 57,265 $ 72,880 Other Sources/(Uses) Transfer in/(Out) $ 682,202 $ 682,202 $ - $ 682,202 $ 83,529 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ 682,202 $ 682,202 $ - $ 682,202 $ 83,529 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 631,154 $ 668,759 $ (11,013) $ 657,746 $ 671,748 * Perimeter Lighting Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Approved Budget Capital Reserve Fund 10 Neighborhood UOn&itMs B2Uo0nn2itd0ss FY 2025 FY2024 FY 2025 FY2024 FY 2025 FY2024 56770555''''+ 11341990034 11341990034 $$$$1111,,,,000088884444 $$$$1111,,,,000088884444 $$$$1111,,,,234514691226 $$$$1111,,,,234514691226 $$$$2222,,,,345525790566 $$$$2222,,,,345525790566 Total 737 737 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Comparison 2024-2025 AnnAusasl eMsasimnteenntasnce Annual Debt Assessments Total Assessed Per Unit 11 C. RESOLUTION 2024-04 [FY 2025 APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION] THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION OF THE PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (“DISTRICT”) RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET(S) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2024, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2025; AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025 (“FY 2025”), the District Manager prepared and submitted to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District (“District”) prior to June 15, 2024, proposed budget(s) (“Proposed Budget”) along with an explanatory and complete financial plan for each fund of the District, pursuant to the provisions of Section 190.008(2)(a), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, at least sixty (60) days prior to the adoption of the Proposed Budget, the District filed a copy of the Proposed Budget with the local general-purpose government(s) having jurisdiction over the area included in the District pursuant to the provisions of Section 190.008(2)(b), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Board set a public hearing on the Proposed Budget and caused notice of such public hearing to be given by publication pursuant to Section 190.008(2)(a), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the District Manager posted the Proposed Budget on the District’s website in accordance with Section 189.016, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, Section 190.008(2)(a), Florida Statutes, requires that, prior to October 1st of each year, the Board, by passage of the Annual Appropriation Resolution, shall adopt a budget for the ensuing fiscal year and appropriate such sums of money as the Board deems necessary to defray all expenditures of the District during the ensuing fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: SECTION 1. BUDGET a. The Proposed Budget, attached hereto as Exhibit A, as amended by the Board, is hereby adopted in accordance with the provisions of Section 190.008(2)(a), Florida Statutes (“Adopted Budget”), and incorporated herein by reference; provided, however, that the comparative figures contained in the Adopted Budget may be subsequently revised as deemed necessary by the District Manager to reflect actual revenues and expenditures. b. The Adopted Budget, as amended, shall be maintained in the office of the District Manager and at the District’s Local Records Office and identified as “The Budget for the Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2025.” c. The Adopted Budget shall be posted by the District Manager on the District’s official website in accordance with Section 189.016, Florida Statutes and shall remain on the website for at least two (2) years. SECTION 2. APPROPRIATIONS There is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the District, for FY 2025, the sum(s) set forth in Exhibit A to be raised by the levy of assessments and/or otherwise, which sum is deemed by the Board to be necessary to defray all expenditures of the District during said budget year, to be divided and appropriated as set forth in Exhibit A. SECTION 3. BUDGET AMENDMENTS Pursuant to Section 189.016, Florida Statutes, the District at any time within FY 2025 or within 60 days following the end of the FY 2025 may amend its Adopted Budget for that fiscal year as follows: a. A line-item appropriation for expenditures within a fund may be decreased or increased by motion of the Board recorded in the minutes, and approving the expenditure, if the total appropriations of the fund do not increase. b. The District Manager or Treasurer may approve an expenditure that would increase or decrease a line-item appropriation for expenditures within a fund if the total appropriations of the fund do not increase and if either (i) the aggregate change in the original appropriation item does not exceed the greater of $15,000 or 15% of the original appropriation, or (ii) such expenditure is authorized by separate disbursement or spending resolution. c. Any other budget amendments shall be adopted by resolution and consistent with Florida law. The District Manager or Treasurer must ensure that any amendments to the budget under this paragraph c. are posted on the District’s website in accordance with Section 189.016, Florida Statutes, and remain on the website for at least two (2) years. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY, 2024. ATTEST: PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT _____________________________ Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chair/Vice Chair, Board of Supervisors Exhibit A: FY 2025 Budget D. RESOLUTION 2024-05 [FY 2025 ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION] A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROVIDING FOR FUNDING FOR THE FY 2025 ADOPTED BUDGET(S); PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PENALTIES AND INTEREST THEREON; CERTIFYING AN ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District (“District”) is a local unit of special-purpose government established pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of providing, operating and maintaining infrastructure improvements, facilities and services to the lands within the District, located in Clay County, Florida (“County”); and WHEREAS, the District has constructed or acquired various infrastructure improvements and provides certain services in accordance with the District’s adopted capital improvement plan and Chapter 190, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025 (“FY 2025”), the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the District has determined to undertake various operations and maintenance and other activities described in the District’s budget (“Adopted Budget”), attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, the District may fund the Adopted Budget through the levy and imposition of special assessments on benefitted lands within the District and, regardless of the imposition method utilized by the District, under Florida law the District may collect such assessments by direct bill, tax roll, or in accordance with other collection measures provided by law; and WHEREAS, in order to fund the District’s Adopted Budget, the District’s Board now desires to adopt this Resolution setting forth the means by which the District intends to fund its Adopted Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: 1. FUNDING. The District’s Board hereby authorizes the funding mechanisms for the Adopted Budget as provided further herein and as indicated in the Adopted Budget attached hereto as Exhibit A and the assessment roll attached hereto as Exhibit B (“Assessment Roll”). 2. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS. a. Benefit Findings. The provision of the services, facilities, and operations as described in Exhibit A confers a special and peculiar benefit to the lands within the District, which benefit exceeds or equals the cost of the assessments. The allocation of the assessments to the specially benefitted lands is shown in Exhibit A and Exhibit B and is hereby found to be fair and reasonable. 2 b. O&M Assessment Imposition. Pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, a special assessment for operations and maintenance (“O&M Assessment(s)”) is hereby levied and imposed on benefitted lands within the District and in accordance with Exhibit A and Exhibit B. The lien of the O&M Assessments imposed and levied by this Resolution shall be effective upon passage of this Resolution. c. Maximum Rate. Pursuant to Section 197.3632(4), Florida Statutes, the lien amount shall serve as the “maximum rate” authorized by law for operation and maintenance assessments. 3. DEBT SERVICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The District’s Board hereby certifies for collection the FY 2025 installment of the District’s previously levied debt service special assessments (“Debt Assessments,” and together with the O&M Assessments, the “Assessments”) in accordance with this Resolution and as further set forth in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, and hereby directs District staff to affect the collection of the same. 4. COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT; PENALTIES; INTEREST. Pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, the District is authorized to collect and enforce the Assessments as set forth below. a. Tax Roll Assessments. To the extent indicated in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, those certain O&M Assessments (if any) and/or Debt Assessments (if any) imposed on the “Tax Roll Property” identified in Exhibit B shall be collected by the County Tax Collector at the same time and in the same manner as County property taxes in accordance with Chapter 197, Florida Statutes (“Uniform Method”). That portion of the Assessment Roll which includes the Tax Roll Property is hereby certified to the County Tax Collector and shall be collected by the County Tax Collector in the same manner and time as County property taxes. The District’s Board finds and determines that such collection method is an efficient method of collection for the Tax Roll Property. b. Future Collection Methods. The District’s decision to collect Assessments by any particular method – e.g., on the tax roll or by direct bill – does not mean that such method will be used to collect special assessments in future years, and the District reserves the right in its sole discretion to select collection methods in any given year, regardless of past practices. 5. ASSESSMENT ROLL; AMENDMENTS. The Assessment Roll, attached hereto as Exhibit B, is hereby certified for collection. The Assessment Roll shall be collected pursuant to the collection methods provided above. The proceeds therefrom shall be paid to the District. The District Manager shall keep apprised of all updates made to the County property roll by the Property Appraiser after the date of this Resolution and shall amend the Assessment Roll in accordance with any such updates, for such time as authorized by Florida law, to the County property roll. 6. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more provisions of this Resolution shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of this Resolution, or any part thereof. 3 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect upon the passage and adoption of this Resolution by the Board. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of July, 2024. ATTEST: PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT _____________________________ By: Secretary / Assistant Secretary Its: Exhibit A: Budget Exhibit B: Assessment Roll FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS 1 This instrument prepared by and return to: Wesley S. Haber Kutak Rock LLP 107 West College Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 PARTIAL TERMINATION AND RELEASE OF GRANT OF CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS PARTIAL TERMINATION AND RELEASE OF GRANT OF CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AGREEMENT (“Partial Termination”) is made this ___ day of _________, 2024, by SANDHILL MITIGATION, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, doing business in Florida, whose mailing address is 8825 Perimeter Park Boulevard, Suite 104, Jacksonville, Florida 32216, as successor in interest to Sandhill Development Company, LLC (“Prior Landowner”), with respect to the property described on Exhibit A, (“Grantor”), and the PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, a local unit of special purpose government established pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, whose mailing address is 475 West Town Place, Suite 114, St. Augustine, Florida 32092 (“Grantee” and, together with Grantor, the “Parties”). RECITALS WHEREAS, Grantee and Prior Landowner entered into that certain Grant of Construction Easement, recorded on December 8, 2006, in Official Records Book 2828, Pages 1424 - 1439 of the public records of Clay County, Florida (“Construction Easement”); and WHEREAS, Grantee does not intend on constructing any improvements on the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Property”) and therefore no longer has a need for the Construction Easement on the Property; and; and WHEREAS, in light of the foregoing, the Parties desire to terminate the Construction Easement solely as to the Property, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference thereto. 2 2. Partial Termination of District’s Easement Rights. The District hereby forever releases, terminates, and abandons its rights under the Construction Easement solely as to the Property as described in Exhibit A. 3. Remaining Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained in this instrument shall be construed to terminate or otherwise affect the Construction Easement, including the rights and obligations provided therein, as it relates to all other property within the Construction Easement. 4. Severability. All provisions of this Partial Termination are intended to be severable. If any provision of this Partial Termination is deemed void or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 5. Successors and Assigns. The terms and conditions of this Partial Termination shall apply to, bind and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest, successors in title, and assigns of the parties to this Partial Termination. 6. Counterparts; Recording. This Partial Termination may be executed in any number of counterparts, all of which together shall constitute a single document. This Partial Termination shall be recorded in the Public Records of Clay County, Florida, where the original Construction Easement was recorded. [Remainder of page left intentionally blank] 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, by and through the undersigned authorized officers, have executed this Partial Termination on the date set forth above. ATTEST: SANDHILL MITIGATION, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ________________________________ By: ____________________________________ Witness Name: ___________________ Name: __________________________________ Title: ___________________________________ ________________________________ Witness Name: ___________________ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ___________ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of 0 physical presence or 0 online notarization, this _____ day of ________________, 2024, by __________, as ______________________ of Sandhill Mitigation, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of the entity, who appeared before me this day in-person, and who is either personally known to me, or produced ______________________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) _______________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF ____________ Name:_____________________________ (Name of Notary Public, Printed, Stamped or Typed as Commissioned) 4 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, a local unit of special purpose government created pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes By: Print Name: Print Name: Title: Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of o physical presence or o online notarization ___, this ___ day of ______________, 2024, by ___________________________ as _____________________ of Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District, who is personally known to me. (Print Name: ) NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida Commission # My Commission Expires: 5 Exhibit A FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS B. NOTICE OF MEETINGS PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors of the Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District will hold their regularly scheduled public meetings for Fiscal Year 2025 at Pine Ridge Plantation Amenity Center, 4200 Pine Ridge Parkway, Middleburg, FL 32068, at 6:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month listed as follows: November 19, 2024 January 21, 2025 March 18, 2025 May 20, 2025 July 15, 2025 September 16, 2025 D. 2. Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District 4200 Pine Ridge Parkway, Middleburg, Florida 32068 904-291-8878 Date: July 23, 2024 To: Pine Ridge Plantation CDD, Board of Supervisors From: Maria Cranford, Amenity Manager & Operations Manager Re: Monthly Facility Memorandum Completed Items: • The door to the men’s handicap stall in the poolside restroom was fixed to correct an issue with the hinges that was causing the door to swing both directions and get stuck • Splash guard panel in the clubhouse janitorial closet was properly secured to the wall • Another flush valve was replaced on June 14th • A set of tension hinges were added to the tennis court gate to test the effectiveness before adding to the basketball gate as well. Hoping to eliminate the issue of the gates being left open • RMS staff has continued the on going clean up and removal of dirt in the curbs near Buggy Whip and other areas along Pine Ridge Parkway • Freedom Pest Control completed our annual termite inspection on July 1st • RMS staff fixed an issue with a leaking pipe in one of the women’s poolside restroom stalls • Repairs were made to a broken swing at the playground • An issue with the filter pumps was fixed on June 14th • A recent storm took out the drive that controls the dump bucket feature. That drive was replaced on July 11th and the feature is back up and running • RMS staff pressure washed all window screens • RMS staff pulled and level the pavers in the main entry at the roundabout to fixed potential tripping hazards due to them sinking • Reported debris near Persimmon Drive was cleaned up by staff • Several wasps’ nests have been removed by staff from under the eaves In Progress Items: • Complete pressure washing of the pavers behind the water slide • Look into repairs for the main community sign on Tynes Blvd to address a chunk missing out of the decorative lip • Re-paint the awning posts, black. Planned for the fall so the heat does not cause the paint to dry out during the painting process • Bondo, sand and paint the main entry gate. Planned for the fall to avoid any disruption to facility access during peak summer time • Touch up all wood posts at the playgound Landscaping & Lakes: • BrightView continues to maintain the grounds throughout. • Lake Doctor’s continues to maintain the lakes. • RMS continues to inspect and clean all the lakes and outfall structures. • RMS staff is preforming trash clean up of the main roadways on Tuesdays and Thursday and emptying all dog waste receptacles Amenity Manager: • Number of rentals booked for May and June = 41 • Number of rentals tentatively scheduled for July and August = 34 • Brochachos Fusion Tacos was at the amenity center on June 18th from 5 to 7:30 p.m. • Ma & Pop food truck was at the amenity center on June 20th from 5 to 8 p.m. • Viva Mi Familia was at the amenity center on June 27th from 5 to 8 p.m. • San Marco Chz Fry Co was at the amenity center on July 2nd from 5 to 7:30 p.m. • The Frozen Sweets Treat truck was at the amenity center on May 26th from 2 to 5 p.m., June 15th from 4 to 7 p.m., June 22nd and again on July 6th from 3 to 6 p.m. • Fudtrip – The Filipino Kitchen is scheduled to be at the amenity center on July 31st from 5 to 8 p.m. • Filipino Go has scheduled another date to be at the amenity center on December 18th concluding our food truck bookings for the year • Pine Ridge HOA continues to hold their monthly HOA meetings in the clubhouse the second Tuesday of each month. Next scheduled meeting is August 8th at 7 p.m. • Pine Ridge West HOA will be holding their HOA meetings in the clubhouse the second Tuesday of every other month. Next scheduled meeting is September 10th at 6 p.m. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS A. MINUTES OF MEETING PINE RIDGE PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Pine Ridge Plantation Amenity Center, 4200 Pine Ridge Parkway, Middleburg, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Matt Biagetti Chairman Jeff Lewis Vice Chairman Jack Montoya by phone Supervisor Nelson Nazario Supervisor Jerry Ritchie Supervisor Also, present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Wes Haber District Counsel Maria Cranford RMS Amenity Manager Karen Fisher Brightview FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Four Board members were present constituting a quorum. Mr. Montoya attended by phone. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments (Regarding Agenda Items Listed Below) Ms. Giles noted copies of the agenda were on the table if anyone wishes to follow along and invited members of the public to speak on agenda items. • Christina Levine – asked what the line item in proposed budget for Clay Co. Sheriff’s Office pays for. Pine Ridge West needs more patrols due to speeding with illegal vehicles on the road and vandalism. A Board member noted the sheriff’s office is paid to check in with staff to monitor CDD facilities not necessarily to patrol the community per se. May 21, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 2 Ms. Cranford noted they will occasionally make some rounds but are more focused on being at the amenity center. If there are concerns, the Board encourages residents to voice those concerns to the sheriff’s office. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Series 2020 Project: A. Ratification of Pay Requisition (64) Ms. Giles stated on page 7 of the agenda is pay requisition (64) for Wraptor, LLC. They were able to use the last bit of construction funds so this pay requisition looks different because there is an account balance. The account balance of $118.15 was used to deplete that construction fund account which went toward the total bill for Wraptor, LLC. The remaining balance was mailed by check to Wraptor. On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Ritchie, with all in favor, Pay Requisition (64), was approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposal from Riverside Management Services for Fiscal Year 2025 Services Ms. Giles stated on page 11 is a proposal from Riverside Management Services for FY2025. You will see on page 11 the difference between 2024 and 2025 which is about a 6% increase overall. There is an explanation included for the increase. Unless there are any comments or corrections from the Board, just looking for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Lewis seconded by Mr. Biagetti, with all in favor, the Proposal from Riverside Management Services for Fiscal Year 2025 Services, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposal from Lake Doctors for Fiscal Year 2025 Services Ms. Giles stated on page 13 is a proposal from lake Doctors for FY2025 that is increased by $25, going from $850 to $875 monthly. May 21, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 3 On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Nazario, with all in favor, the Proposal from Lake Doctors for Fiscal Year 2025 Services, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-03, Approving the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and Setting a Public Hearing Date for Adoption Ms. Giles stated tonight the proposed budget will be approved and the public hearing date set to adopt the budget. Once the budget is approved, a copy will be provided to Clay County as required by Chapter 190 of Florida Statutes. A public hearing date will be set at least 60 days afterwards which will be July 23, 2024 in line with the regular scheduled meeting. This budget will stay flat with 2024 with no increase in assessment staying at $1,084. On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-03 Approving the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and Setting a Public Hearing on July 23, 2024 for Adoption, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Haber reminded the Board of filing Form-1 by July 1st electronically. By the end of this year, Board members need to have completed 4 hours of ethics training. Seats 2, 4 & 5 will be up, if Supervisors want to run again that is June 10th at noon through June 14th at noon. B. District Manager – Report on the Number of Registered Voters – (1,382) Ms. Giles stated as of April 15th, there were 1,382 registered voters in Pine Ridge. C. Engineer Ms. Giles corresponded with the engineer today to let him know there wasn’t anything on the agenda and he didn’t have anything for the Board. D. Amenity & Operations Manager 1. Landscape Quality Inspection Report Ms. Fisher from Brightview presented the Landscape Inspection Report. May 21, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 4 Ms. Cranford presented the Amenity Manager Report. She walked the Board through a potential overdose incident in the amenity parking lot on Sunday afternoon. The gentleman never entered the main amenity. His wife stated he left the house that morning to go to they thought the store. She was leaving out with the kids, passed by and saw his vehicle in the parking lot so stopped and found him passed out. They called EMS and one of the adult lifeguards Steve who is a volunteer EMT responded and EMS arrived. He received Narcan and was transported to the hospital. She suggested doing frequent walks through the parking lot. The family doesn’t ever come to the facility and the home went on the market that day so they will be moving out. The Board will not act on this incident. 2. Report Mr. Soriano was not in attendance. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments/Supervisor’s Requests Supervisor Nazario noted down Persimmon the open area behind where the model homes used to be there are 3-5 unsightly pallets. Ms. Cranford noted that tract is owned by Loblolly, LLC. Ms. Giles noted they can research it and send them a letter asking them to clean up. Ms. Fisher has seen posts on FB page that people are dumping illegally back in that area. A Board member asked of any progress from Jay on the request from T&M to finish the outdoor lighting project. Ms. Giles noted the Board approved $40K for smaller lights. Mr. Biagetti had no update on the taller lights. T&M Electric will not give a price for install until they line up a crane. Jay is looking toward October for that. Mr. Biagetti commented on all of the great improvements, awnings and painting looks good. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the March 19, 2024 Meeting Ms. Giles presented the minutes from the March 19, 2024 meeting and asked for a motion to approve the minutes. On MOTION by Mr. Nazario, seconded by Mr. Biagetti, with all in favor, the Minutes of the March 19, 2024 Meeting, were approved. May 21, 2024 Pine Ridge Plantation CDD 5 B. Balance Sheet and Income Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending March 31, 2024 C. Assessment Receipts Schedule Ms. Giles presented on page 46 of the agenda, the balance sheet and statement of revenues for the period ending March 31, 2024. The receipt schedule shows the District 99.46% collected. D. Approval of Check Register Ms. Giles presented the check register on page 60 of the agenda package totaling $619,019.45 which is a lot higher than normal. She pointed out two items causing the check register to be so high, the capital reserve transfer of $82,202 on page 64 of the check register and the transfer to the SBA account of $425,000 on page 65. The SBA account is doing well. On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – 7/23/24 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Pine Ridge Plantation Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is scheduled for July 23, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. where they will adopt the budget. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Biagetti, seconded by Mr. Nazario, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. _____________________________ ____________________________ Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chairman / Vice Chairman B. Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Unaudited Financial Reporting May 31, 2024 1 2-3 456 7-8 9 10 11 Check Register Summary Assessment Receipt Schedule Month to Month Long Term Debt Report Table of Contents Balance Sheet General Fund Debt Service Fund Series 2020 Capital Project Fund 2020 Capital Reserve Fund General Capital Reserve Debt Service Capital Project Totals Fund Fund Fund Fund Governmental Funds CAADDassuuOssseehpee ffse:rrtssroom:ammtie nGOngett hsAn eRecrrceaoclue Finvutan -bd Hleancock $ 7 9 , 4 5 7 --- $ 9 8 , 2 3 0 --- $ - --- $ - --- $ 1 7 , 6 8 6 --- ISCntuavsteteos Btdmoya eUrndSt sBo:fa Ankd mAcinciosutrnattion (SBA) 5 2148,,311266 6 7 , 9 5 0 - -- -- 1 ,1 8 264,,037166 PDreSepepoCRRRrasioeeeeiidssvntsees es E2rrntx0vvrupu2eeee c0AAnt12isoens ------ ------ 112 117 034 ,,, 256 099 379 --- ------ 112 117 034 ,,, 256 099 379 --- Total Assets $ 621,899 $ 766,180 $ 498,499 $ - $ 1,886,578 Liabilities: AADDccuucceero ttuuooen ODdtte sEhb Pxetap rSyeseanrbsvleiesce $ 1 10 ,, 75 51 10 -- ---- $ - --- $ - --- $ 1 10 ,, 75 51 10 -- Total Liabilites $ 12,261 $ - $ - $ - $ 12,261 FRAUusenCCCDssanaaaeitsgpppdrbsniiiit ictttBge Saaatndaeelll eldrPRRfaodv reefnroiossc:crjee eee:rr c:vvtee sFund $ 6 0 9 , 6 - 3 8 --- $ 7 6 , 1 - 8 0 --- $ 4 9 8 , 4 9 ---- $ - ---- $ 467 069 689 ,,, 146 389 089 -- Total Fund Balances $ 609,638 $ 766,180 $ 498,499 $ - $ 1,874,317 Total Liabilities & Fund Balance $ 621,899 $ 766,180 $ 498,499 $ - $ 1,886,578 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Combined Balance Sheet May 31, 2024 1 Community Development District General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending May 31, 2024 Amended Budget PTrhorrua t0e5d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 0c5tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues: ISMnpiteseccr.i/eaFslta AIcnsilscieotysms Rmeeennttasl -I nTcaoxm Reoll $ 7 15 320,,,059007006 $ 7 5 280,,,039037036 $ 7 15 730,,,412027558 $ 55 (,,027927815) Total Revenues $ 766,476 $ 761,309 $ 770,808 $ 9,498 Expenditures: General & Administrative: ISLPPPETTGAAAAOODDMWneureonRtrrseniftuatfefsihsbugsnpl-ogoninenesebtFiacesierreeautsstsapeItnlrnrmi,rrsmegiC a g na hAetaLvmSeCeeelaAeggieiilodu y un A sctme&eF MLrniv&peornaoui eie ReernnrpaaD tnetdB renie sFigblsAo teinniieTbtiietennl dlsstatFieeisie d vmtCte&Ancsyneeihehggin araSsnneaygnuninorscdbgltteoser Pcgasruytiibpolntiico Onsfficials Insurance $ 25 11112334558901 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 135666000011222555670000170000000002567700002500000000000356 $ 13 11123345934 ,,,,,,,,,,, 122334568000125566 000033677000002667 000335577000003677 -- $ 3 13334594 ,,,,,,,, 111222580002556 7005666770022467 34045578890013679 --- $ 1 110 ,,, 11247368 534599036 916799347 ----------- Total General & Administrative $ 120,670 $ 82,423 $ 66,728 $ 15,694 Operations & Maintenance Grounds Maintenance ILLCERWraaleoreaknipncgtedtaetai rsirMntircicgsaoa epAninnen Rtc deMieen pMasaaianniirctnseetneannacnece $ 1 1225 2442464,,,,,,,000245800003350000016 $ 1 110 1229472,,,,,,,366688936266683747777 $ 1 110 126342 ,,,,,, 593888 240123 180144 - $ 223 ( ,,, 370791 433689 439277 -) Subtotal Grounds Maintenance $ 228,017 $ 152,011 $ 142,238 $ 9,773 Pine Ridge Plantation 2 Community Development District General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending May 31, 2024 Amended Budget PTrhorrua t0e5d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 0c5tu/a3l1/24 Variance Pine Ridge Plantation Amenity Center SSCPPGRROepreeeeoffocrnecpniupmrccetaeeirieriiania rtraStl gtsytF luiyE e&oeFp vnInae npeRcscasnylieliul tpeiPsrtslyaaa snMcseceaemsinetnetnsance $ 11122 145788 ,,,,,, 557005567008000034000000068 $ 11112 02248 ,,,,, 033344556023333366001333778 $ 1112 71234 ,,,,, 334457892335667789444568895 $ 1 (( 111 (( ,,, 234045 ( 03459953 44567438 -))))) Utilities CERWlaeeafbcutletesrre/i c& PSh eSroevnwiecee/rInternet 12 5505,,,,014700180017 1 3376,,,,614660097017 2379,,,,148812456778 16 ( ,, 184 45380449) Management Contracts JJFFLPPAaaiiaoomfennceooleiiillgdltt niooCMu tMirryhataii yaraaAei dnnllMms sSsataeiiugcsnnaeptaaalmpsngn leeticenems t eSnetrvices 111226 59145799,,,,,,,,003344660012388800003469 11114 36922447,,,,,,,,047992352558903401357033 114 22469347,,,,,,,,089025661580146816703578 1 180 ,,, 6123 3006 0009556 - Subtotal Amenity Center $ 335,384 $ 231,768 $ 196,308 $ 35,460 Total Operations & Maintenance $ 563,401 $ 383,780 $ 338,546 $ 45,233 Total Expenditures $ 684,071 $ 466,202 $ 405,275 $ 60,928 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ 82,405 $ 295,107 $ 365,533 $ 70,426 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Capital Reserve Transfer In/(Out) $ (682,202) $ (682,202) (682,202) $ - Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) $ (682,202) $ (682,202) $ (682,202) $ - Net Change in Fund Balance $ (599,797) $ (387,095) $ (316,669) $ 70,426 Fund Balance - Beginning $ 599,797 $ 926,307 Fund Balance - Ending $ - $ 609,638 3 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Capital Reserve Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending May 31, 2024 Amended Budget PTrhorrua t0e5d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 0c5tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues Interest $ 3,200 $ 2,133 $ 20,810 $ 18,676 Total Revenues $ 3,200 $ 2,133 $ 20,810 $ 18,676 Expenditures: ROethpeari rSse arnvdic eM Cahinatregneasnce 5 4 , 110408 3 6 , 0 6979 $ 3 21,,299557 ( 42,,889014) Total Expenditures $ 54,248 $ 36,165 $ 34,252 $ 1,913 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ (51,048) $ (13,443) Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Transfer In/(Out) $ 682,202 $ 682,202 $ 682,202 $ - Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) $ 682,202 $ 682,202 $ 682,202 $ - Net Change in Fund Balance $ 631,154 $ 668,759 Fund Balance - Beginning $ 97,420 $ 97,420 Fund Balance - Ending $ 728,574 $ 766,180 4 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Debt Service Fund Series 2020 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending May 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua t0e5d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 0c5tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues: ISnpteecrieaslt AInssceosmsmeents - Tax Roll $ 9 1246,,052732 $ 9 2 96,,537429 $ 9 2285,,681168 $ 1 9 (,495669) Total Revenues $ 940,595 $ 935,921 $ 954,434 $ 18,513 Expenditures: Series 2020 A1 IIPnnrttieenrrceeipsstta EEl xxEppxeepnnessnees e-- 15- /151//11 $ 5 990990,,,550220440 $ 5 990990,,,055022044 $ 5 990990,,,055022044 $ --- Series 2020 A2 IIPnnrttieenrrceeipsstta EEl xxEppxeepnnessnees e-- 15- /151//11 1 444330,,,110880110 1 444330,,,011088011 1 444330,,,011088011 --- Total Expenditures $ 925,411 $ 925,411 $ 925,411 $ - Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ 15,184 $ 10,509 $ 29,022 $ 18,513 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) $ - $ - $ - $ - Net Change in Fund Balance $ 15,184 $ 10,509 $ 29,022 $ 18,513 Fund Balance - Beginning $ 181,040 $ 469,477 Fund Balance - Ending $ 196,224 $ 498,499 5 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Capital Projects Fund Series 2020 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending May 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua 0te5d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 0c5tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues Interest Income $ - $ - $ 3 $ 3 Total Revenues $ - $ - $ 3 $ 3 Expenditures: Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ 119 $ (119) Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ 119 $ (119) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ - $ - $ (115) $ (115) Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) $ - $ - $ - $ - Net Change in Fund Balance $ - $ (115) Fund Balance - Beginning $ - $ 115 Fund Balance - Ending $ - $ - 6 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Amended Budget Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Total Revenues: Special Assessments IMnitsecr./eFsta Icnilciotym Reental -I nTcaoxm Reoll $ 7 15 320,,,059007006 $ 9 - 1 - $ 6 8 , 787007045 $ 6 2 , 78 68 36 - $ 25 ,, 779502002 $ 22 ,, 02 29 16 - $ 111,,,013056047 $ 26 ,, 313099013 $ 234,,,124268355 $ - -- $ - -- $ - -- $ - -- $ 7 15 730,,,214207558 Total Revenues $ 766,476 $ 911 $ 70,279 $ 663,650 $ 9,372 $ 4,316 $ 3,522 $ 8,884 $ 9,873 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 770,808 Expenditures: General & Administrative: Supervisor Fees 8,000 $ - $ - $ 800 $ 1,000 $ - $ 800 $ - $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,600 $ PR-FICA 612 - - 61 77 - 61 - 77 - - - - 275 Engineering 3,000 - - - - - 168 - - - - - - 168 Attorney 20,000 115 764 177 970 281 593 131 - - - - - 3,029 Annual Audit 3,175 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Assessment Administration 5,576 5,576 - - - - - - - - - - - 5,576 Arbitrage Rebate 600 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dissemination Agent 5,250 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 - - - - 3,500 Trustee Fees 4,100 4,041 - - - - - - - - - - - 4,041 Management Fees 51,760 4,313 4,313 4,313 4,313 4,313 4,313 4,313 4,313 - - - - 34,507 Information Technology 1,600 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 - - - - 1,067 Website Maintenance 1,200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 - - - - 800 Telephone 500 - 18 - 32 - 0 - 24 - - - - 74 Postage & Delivery 1,000 45 5 8 15 12 45 20 17 - - - - 168 General Liability and Public Officials Insurance 9,223 9,223 - - - - - - - - - - - 9,223 Printing & Binding 1,500 47 6 12 34 45 24 86 5 - - - - 259 Legal Advertising 2,500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other Current Charges 600 - - 15 15 23 133 39 39 - - - - 264 Office Supplies 300 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 - - - - - 3 Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 175 - - - - - - - - - - - 175 Total General & Administrative 120,670 $ 24,206 $ 5,777 $ 6,057 $ 7,127 $ 5,346 $ 6,808 $ 5,261 $ 6,146 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 66,728 $ Month to Month 7 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Amended Budget Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Total Month to Month Operations & Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Landscape ILCERWraleoreakipncgtetaetai rriMntiricgsoa eAninnn Rtc deMieen pMasaaianniirctnseetneannacnece $ 1 1225 2442464,,,,,,,000458200003530000016 $ 1 112 ,,, 12688 01575 00283 -- $ 1 12 ,, 1878 5745 0933 --- $ 1 112 ,,, 18825 55735 03926 -- $ 1 232 ,,, 18228 58035 01239 -- $ 1 222 ,,, 18089 58158 01349 -- $ 1 222 ,,, 178828 459555 067389 - $ 1 42 ,, 14848 45835 00538 -- $ 1 112 ,,, 12488 04565 00153 -- $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ 1 110 126342 ,,,,,, 388589 013224 014148 - Subtotal Grounds Maintenance $ 228,017 $ 16,693 $ 15,625 $ 16,670 $ 19,325 $ 18,887 $ 19,763 $ 18,766 $ 16,510 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 142,238 Amenity Center SSCPPGRRROepreeeeeoffocrnefcpniuupmrccetaeeiirseriianeia rtraStl gtsytF SluiyE e &oeeFp vnInera npeRcvscasynliieliulc tpeiPesrtslyaaa snMcseceaemsinetnetnsance $ 111122 1045788 ,,,,,,, 005555677700000034880000000678 $ 2 124 ,,, 1377885 2356793 0122788 --- $ 3 , 884 - 571 024 ------ $ 1123 ,,,, 81257 - 470022 500479 --- $ 133 ,,, 8448 - 7257 0055 ----- $ 1 ( , 9987 - 95168 27078 ----) $ 1116 ,,,, 91459 - 312358 270127 --- $ 1 , 2992 - 1491 0779 ----- $ 11 ,, 223489 - 2167788 9002467 -- $ - --------- $ - --------- $ - --------- $ - --------- $ 1112 771234 ,,,,,, 123347458946778933564567894458 Utilities CEWlaeabctleterr/i c&Ph Soenwee/rInternet 2 555,,,014001001 1 , 134347146 1 , 341372185 1 , 340375189 1 , 344382096 1 , 344380899 1 , 343387891 1 , 41 481198 1 , 134588049 --- --- --- --- 239,,,488125678 Management Contracts JJFFLPPAaaiiaoomfennceooleiiillgdltt niooCMu tMirryahtaii yaraaAei dnnllMms sSsataeiiugcsnnaeptaaalmpsngn leeticenems t eSnetrvices 111226 59145799,,,,,,,,003344660012388800003469 1125 ,,,, 112567 013479 335669 -- 1125 ,,,, 71167 71369 52369 --- 1125 ,,,, 271166 470139 353669 -- 1125 ,,,, 171167 471399 583569 -- 1125 ,,,, 371167 571139 151369 -- 11125 ,,,,, 378111695791345945803699 1125 ,,,, 3471169 3570139 5673469 - 111235 ,,,,,, 112445671235799933566889 -------- -------- -------- -------- 114 22469347,,,,,,,,025660890146815803578167 Subtotal Amenity Center $ 335,384 $ 44,699 $ 18,554 $ 22,913 $ 23,531 $ 17,120 $ 28,311 $ 17,441 $ 23,739 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 196,308 Total Operations & Maintenance $ 563,401 $ 61,392 $ 34,179 $ 39,583 $ 42,856 $ 36,007 $ 48,074 $ 36,207 $ 40,248 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 338,546 Total Expenditures $ 684,071 $ 85,599 $ 39,956 $ 45,640 $ 49,983 $ 41,353 $ 54,882 $ 41,468 $ 46,394 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 405,275 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ 82,405 $ (84,687) $ 30,323 $ 618,009 $ (40,611) $ (37,037) $ (51,360) $ (32,584) $ (36,520) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 365,533 Other Financing Sources/Uses: Transfer In/(Out) (682,202) (600,000) - - - - (82,202) - - - - - - (682,202) Total Other Financing Sources/Uses $ (682,202) $ (600,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (82,202) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (682,202) Net Change in Fund Balance $ (599,797) $ (684,687) $ 30,323 $ 618,009 $ (40,611) $ (37,037) $ (133,562) $ (32,584) $ (36,520) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (316,669) 8 Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District Long Term Debt Report IRRRMneeeatssseteeeurrrrervvviseeetty RFFF Dauuuatnnnetddde: :BRDaeelqfaiunniicrteeiomnent 22.50%0% o5f - / M31.a0/x20$ A0 %11n377n733u,,15a09l D03ebt Service * LLLLLLBeeeeeeossssssnssssssd:::::: s MMMMMM oaaaaaauyyyyyyts 111111ta,,,,,, n222222d000000i222222n122334g ((((((-PPMMMM 9rraaaa/eennnn3ppdddd0aaaaaa/yytttt2mmoooo0rrrreeyyyynn))))tt)) $((((9$$$$((,44455$$01145780000055,,,,,,,000000000000000000000)))))) Current Bonds Outstanding $7,620,000 *Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp Surety Bond $173,592.51 IRRRMneeeatssseteeeurrrrervvviseeetty RFFF Dauuuatnnnetddde: :BRDaeelqfaiunniicrteeiomnent 50% of 2M.7ax5$ 5%A 11/n1 11-n 343/u,2,.867a070l5 3D59%7ebt Service LLLLLLBeeeeeeossssssnssssssd:::::: s MMMMMM oaaaaaauyyyyyyts 111111ta,,,,,, n222222d000000i222222n122334g ((((((-PPMMMM 9rraaaa/eennnn3ppdddd0aaaaaa/yytttt2mmoooo0rrrreeyyyynn))))tt)) $((((2$$$$,11118((33449$$0000555,,,,,,,000000000000000000000)))))) Current Bonds Outstanding $2,335,000 Total Bonds Outstanding $9,955,000 Series 2020A1 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond Series 2020A2 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond 9 C. #UNITS SERIES 2020A O&M ASSESSED ASSESSED DEBT ASSESSED ASSESSED TOTAL ASSESSED NET TAX ROLL 737 926,571.52 750,952.74 1,677,524.26 TOTAL ASSESSED NET 737 926,571.52 750,952.74 1,677,524.26 SERIES 2020A RECEIVED BALANCE DUE DEBT RECEIVED O&M RECEIVED TOTAL RECEIVED TAX ROLL (3,216.20) 928,347.97 752,392.49 1,680,740.46 TOTAL RECEIPTS (3,216.20) 928,347.97 752,392.49 1,680,740.46 CLAY COUNTY SERIES 2006 DEBT DISTRIBUTION DATE RECEIVED RECEIVED O&M RECEIPTS TOTAL 1112345678901 111111346251122////1//////1111/58112201446//2248/////22////222220022220000022000022222442222344443333 89 702 112247799388,,,,,,,,,,,,002356778238122333378947023556999779............012236677119001234468279 67 555 112235677925,,,,,,,,,,,,001223488435116688999069124455889427............223334689634012377899659 11,, 461 6811113 042344733672,,,,,,,,,,,,472336913687442478903470061446708991............452356605567461158901368 %TAX ROLL COLLECTED 100.19% 100.19% 100.19% TOTAL COLLECTED 100.19% 100.19% 100.19% Community Development District FISCAL YEAR 2024 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENTS SUMMARY OF TAX ROLL RECEIPTS TOTAL FY24 TAX ROLL RECEIPTS Pine Ridge Plantation 10 D. Date check #'s Amount General 45//11//220022 F44u --n 54d//3310//22002244 33335713--33337900 $$$ 448336,,,033279023...128019 Capital Reserve 4/1/2024 - 4/30/2024 66-69 $ 11,882.24 $ 11,882.24 Utilities and Autopayments 00000000004444455555//////////11122233330011356778//////////22222222224444444444 ISSCCCCCDWRaallooCeaaSaffmmpUeeyys FtATTt cc EEeIaaoooC llfssuuMeeA ttHcccc atthhPerrnaaiiaccyltgmhe me- nPetnootl Permit $ 115 ,,, 238 144459 026125788 8837913568855...........0030378894400900002700 TOTAL $104,082.73 *Fedex invoic0es0 w1 iAll 0b0e 2a vBailable upon request. Pine Ridge Plantation COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Fiscal Year 2024 Check Register AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 7/16/24 PAG E *** CHECK DATES 04/01/2024 - 05/31/2024 *** PINE RIDGE PLANTATION - GF BANK A PINE RIDGE PLANTATIO CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 4/05/24 00183 3/26/24 8854822 202403 320-53800-46300 * 391.62 IRRIGATION REPAIRS BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES,INC 391.62 003353 4/05/24 00183 3/27/24 8856452 202403 320-53800-46300 * 405.00 LOCATE & DX BROKEN VALVE BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES,INC 405.00 003354 4/05/24 00183 4/01/24 8841173 202404 320-53800-46200 * 12,853.00 APR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES,INC 12,853.00 003355 4/05/24 00080 3/31/24 W1790538 202403 330-57200-46100 * 795.46 RPLCD AMENITY DOOR LOCKS CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES LLC 795.46 003356 4/05/24 00039 3/29/24 31808 202403 330-57200-46100 * 431.03 FITNESS PARTS AND REPAIRS FITNESS PRO 431.03 003357 4/05/24 00003 4/20/24 253 202404 310-51300-31300 * 437.50 APR. DISSEMINATION SRVCS 4/20/24 253 202404 310-51300-49100 * 100.00 APR. WEBSITE ADMIN. 4/20/24 253 202404 310-51300-35100 * 133.33 APR. INFORMATION TECH. 4/20/24 253 202404 310-51300-34000 * 4,313.33 APR. MGMT FEES 4/20/24 253 202404 310-51300-51000 * .60 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4/20/24 253 202404 310-51300-42000 * 19.95 POSTAGE 4/20/24 253 202404 310-51300-42500 * 86.40 COPIES GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5,091.11 003358 4/05/24 00176 4/01/24 032024 202403 330-57200-34500 * 600.00 SECURITY 3/2, 3/16 & 3/24 MICHAEL C LAYNE 600.00 003359 4/05/24 00054 4/01/24 13129562 202404 330-57200-46500 * 1,592.54 APR. POOL CHEMICALS POOLSURE 1,592.54 003360 4/05/24 00073 3/26/24 504 202402 330-57200-46000 * 1,888.40 GENERAL FACILITY MAINT PRP --PINERIDGE--BPEREGRINO AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 7/16/24 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 04/01/2024 - 05/31/2024 *** PINE RIDGE PLANTATION - GF BANK A PINE RIDGE PLANTATIO CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 3/26/24 504 202402 330-57200-46201 * 350.64 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 3/26/24 504 202402 330-57200-46100 * 1,242.73 AMENITY REPAIRS & REPLC 3/26/24 504 202402 330-57200-51000 * 92.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 3,573.77 003361 4/05/24 00073 4/02/24 505 202403 330-57200-60100 * 3,932.15 EASTER EVENT RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 3,932.15 003362 4/05/24 00073 4/20/24 503 202404 330-57200-46200 * 775.33 APR. JANITORIAL SERVICES 4/20/24 503 202404 330-57200-46400 * 1,192.50 APR. POOL MAINTENANCE 4/20/24 503 202404 330-57200-34000 * 2,135.83 APR. FIELD/ADMIN MGMT SRV 4/20/24 503 202404 330-57200-34100 * 5,618.83 APR. FACILITY MANAGEMENT RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 9,722.49 003363 4/05/24 00076 4/01/24 171420B 202404 320-53800-46400 * 850.00 APRIL LAKE MAINTENANCE THE LAKE DOCTORS INC 850.00 003364 4/16/24 00204 4/09/24 190926 202403 310-51300-31100 * 167.50 MAR ENGINEERING SERVICES MATTHEWS DESIGN GROUP LLC 167.50 003365 4/16/24 00073 3/31/24 506 202403 330-57200-34110 * 854.10 MAR FACILITY ASSISTANT RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 854.10 003366 4/16/24 00073 3/31/24 507 202403 330-57200-34200 * 1,159.00 MARCH LIFEGUARDS RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 1,159.00 003367 4/16/24 00073 4/10/24 508 202404 330-57200-46500 * 262.35 POOL CHEMICALS - TRICHLOR 4/10/24 508 202404 330-57200-46500 * 49.39 POOL CHEMS. - LIQ BLEACH RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 311.74 003368 4/16/24 00073 4/10/24 509 202404 330-57200-46100 * 224.36 POOL REP-BRKN TORO VALVE RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 224.36 003369 PRP --PINERIDGE--BPEREGRINO AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 7/16/24 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 04/01/2024 - 05/31/2024 *** PINE RIDGE PLANTATION - GF BANK A PINE RIDGE PLANTATIO CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 4/16/24 00152 4/08/24 61896198 202404 330-57200-46000 * 117.42 PEST CONTROL QTRLY SRVCS TURNER PEST CONTROL,LLC 117.42 003370 5/01/24 00183 4/23/24 8875619 202404 320-53800-46000 * 710.00 FLUSH CUT 2 TREE STUMPS BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES,INC 710.00 003371 5/01/24 00183 4/23/24 8875623 202404 320-53800-46000 * 320.63 NUTRIENT SOIL REFRESH BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES,INC 320.63 003372 5/01/24 00183 5/01/24 8879209 202405 320-53800-46200 * 12,853.00 MAY LANDSACAPE MAINTENACE BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES,INC 12,853.00 003373 5/01/24 00107 4/10/24 262 202403 330-57200-34500 * 60.00 MAR EMPLOYMENT FEE 4/10/24 262 202403 330-57200-34500 * 35.00 MAR EMPLOYMENT SCHD FEE CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 95.00 003374 5/01/24 00039 4/17/24 32003 202404 330-57200-46000 * 180.00 APRIL PREVENTATIVE MAINT. FITNESS PRO 180.00 003375 5/01/24 00185 4/23/24 381745 202402 310-51300-31500 * 281.00 FEB GENERAL COUNSEL KUTAK ROCK LLP 281.00 003376 5/01/24 00106 4/30/24 04302024 202403 330-57200-34500 * 400.00 ONSITE SECTY 3/8 & 3/22 MATTHEW EDMONSON 400.00 003377 5/01/24 00106 4/30/24 04302024 202404 330-57200-34500 * 400.00 ONSITE SECTY 4/5 & 4/19 MATTHEW EDMONSON 400.00 003378 5/01/24 00176 4/20/24 042024 202404 330-57200-34500 * 400.00 ONSITE SECTY 4/13 & 4/27 MICHAEL C LAYNE 400.00 003379 5/01/24 00054 5/01/24 13129562 202405 330-57200-46500 * 1,592.54 MAY POOL CHEMICALS POOLSURE 1,592.54 003380 PRP --PINERIDGE--BPEREGRINO AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 7/16/24 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 04/01/2024 - 05/31/2024 *** PINE RIDGE PLANTATION - GF BANK A PINE RIDGE PLANTATIO CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 5/01/24 00073 4/16/24 510 202403 330-57200-46000 * 1,951.20 GENERAL FACILITY MAINT. 4/16/24 510 202403 320-53800-46000 * 605.52 GROUNDS REPAIR & MAINT. 4/16/24 510 202403 330-57200-51000 * 31.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4/16/24 510 202403 330-57200-46201 * 397.77 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 2,986.43 003381 5/07/24 00003 5/01/24 254 202405 310-51300-31300 * 437.50 MAY DISSEMINATION SRVCS 5/01/24 254 202405 310-51300-49100 * 100.00 MAY WEBSITE ADMIN. 5/01/24 254 202405 310-51300-35100 * 133.33 MAY INFORMATION TECH. 5/01/24 254 202405 310-51300-34000 * 4,313.33 MAY MANAGEMENT FEES 5/01/24 254 202405 330-57200-51000 * .30 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5/01/24 254 202405 310-51300-42000 * 16.86 POSTAGE 5/01/24 254 202405 310-51300-42500 * 4.95 COPIES 5/01/24 254 202405 310-51300-41000 * 23.78 TELEPHONE GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5,030.05 003382 5/07/24 00073 5/01/24 511 202405 330-57200-46200 * 775.33 MAY JANITORIAL SERVICES 5/01/24 511 202405 330-57200-46400 * 1,192.50 MAY POOL MAINTENACE SRVCS 5/01/24 511 202405 330-57200-34000 * 2,135.83 MAY FIELD MGMT/ADMIN. 5/01/24 511 202405 330-57200-34100 * 5,618.83 MAY FACILITY MGMT 5/01/24 511 202405 330-57200-46100 * 40.82 2X4 GUTTER GRATE RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 9,763.31 003383 5/07/24 00076 2/02/24 178609B 202405 320-53800-46400 * 850.00 MAY LAKE MAINTENANCE THE LAKE DOCTORS INC 850.00 003384 5/29/24 00107 5/10/24 294 202404 330-57200-34500 * 20.00 APR EMPLOYMENT FEE PRP --PINERIDGE--BPEREGRINO AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 7/16/24 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 04/01/2024 - 05/31/2024 *** PINE RIDGE PLANTATION - GF BANK A PINE RIDGE PLANTATIO CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 5/10/24 294 202404 330-57200-34500 * 35.00 APR SCHEDULING FEE CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 55.00 003385 5/29/24 00205 5/05/24 37156 202405 330-57200-46100 * 375.00 REPAIR -BUSTED WATER PIPE CLAY COUNTY MASTER PLUMBING LLC 375.00 003386 5/29/24 00104 5/23/24 KSM57FTA 202405 330-57200-49000 * 374.00 ANNUAL EMAIL SERVICES CONSTANT CONTACT, INC. 374.00 003387 5/29/24 00073 4/29/24 512 202403 320-53800-46000 * 1,653.60 PRESSURE WASHING SERVICES RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 1,653.60 003388 5/29/24 00073 4/30/24 513 202404 330-57200-34110 * 336.02 APRIL FACILITY ASSISTANT RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 336.02 003389 5/29/24 00073 5/14/24 514 202404 320-53800-46000 * 3,407.34 GROUNDS REP & MAINTENANCE 5/14/24 514 202404 330-57200-46100 * 800.72 AMENITY REP & REPLACMENTS 5/14/24 514 202404 330-57200-46201 * 457.17 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 4,665.23 003390 TOTAL FOR BANK A 86,393.10 TOTAL FOR REGISTER 86,393.10 PRP --PINERIDGE--BPEREGRINO AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 7/16/24 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 04/01/2024 - 05/31/2024 *** PINE RIDGE PLANTATION - CAP RS BANK B PINE RIDGE PLANTATIO CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 4/05/24 00029 3/26/24 24-00241 202403 320-53800-61000 * 5,270.89 PAINTING & PRESSURE WASH EDWIN ARCE DBA TITO'S 5,270.89 000066 4/05/24 00203 3/07/24 2014 202403 320-53800-61000 * 431.85 DIGITALLY PRINTED SIGNS WRAPTOR 431.85 000067 4/09/24 00001 5/05/24 1757 202403 310-51300-49000 * 2,800.00 RESERVE STUDY UPDATE COMMUNITY ADVISORS, LLC 2,800.00 000068 4/30/24 00030 4/19/24 13658-1 202404 320-53800-61000 * 3,379.50 FINAL PMT AWNING COVER BOREE CANVAS UNLIMITED INC 3,379.50 000069 TOTAL FOR BANK B 11,882.24 TOTAL FOR REGISTER 11,882.24 PRP --PINERIDGE--BPEREGRINO